Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you could want to know

We understand that you have questions and we try to answer as many questions as possible here. If your question is not listed, please contact us.

Arrival and departure

Niet invullen

When can I check in/When do I have to check out?

Checking in is possible after 3pm and checking out has to take place before 11am.

Rental agreements

Niet invullen

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Yes, you pay a deposit of 1 month rent

What's included in the rent?

  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Internet (private connection)
  • Furniture
  • Bedlinnen and towels
  • Cleaning 2x per month

What is the minimum rental period?

The minimum rental period is 3 months.

What is the maximum rental period?

The maximum rental period is 12 months.

What is the number of people per apartment?

You can rent an apartment for a maximum of 2 people

What if I want to leave earlier?

The notice period in the rental agreement is 3 calendar months.

Can I start and end my rental agreement whenever I want?

You can start renting from either the first or 16th of a month. Ending the rental agreement is possible on either the 15th or end of a month. It is allowed to check in for example on the 9th of a month, but you will pay from the first of the month onwards. The same applies for checking out. If you wish to check out for example the 23rd, you pay till the end of the month.


Niet invullen

Is there a Washing Machine/Dryer?

Yes, we have a laundry room downstairs with 2 washers and 2 dryers. The use of the devices works via an App (Appwash) and is a paid service.

Other shared facilities?

Yes, we have a shared communal garden and a shared common area on the ground floor.

Is there a dishwasher in the apartment?

Yes, each apartment has a built-in dishwasher.

How does the bedding work?

Your bed linen and towels will be replaced every 2 weeks by our cleaning staff.

What are the additional facilities?

You have:

  • Quick access to public transport
  • Safe environment with 24/7 CCTV
  • Private storage safe on the ground floor

Local authority

Niet invullen

Can I register?

Yes, 2 people per apartment/studio can register.

What Taxes do I have to pay?

If you register at the address, the municipality will send you automatically an invoice for the municipal taxes. These are the afvalstoffenheffing & rioolheffing. The OZB (owner tax) is paid by us.

Can I share the place with a friend?

No, the studios and apartments have 1 double bed. They are suitable for either singles or couples. It is not allowed to share the place among friends.


Niet invullen

What do I have to pay before I check in?

The first month rent and the deposit (equal to 1 month rent).

When do I receive my deposit back?

This is stated in article 4.7 of the rental agreement. We will transfer the amount back within 6 weeks minus the final cleaning costs.


Niet invullen

What bills can I expect other than rent?

Townhall sends automatically an invoice to tenants concerning water, sewage and waste collection.


Niet invullen

What is included in the rent?

The rental price is all inclusive. This means inclusive: cleaning twice a month, internet, bed linen & towels, gas, water, light and furniture.

Rent online

Niet invullen

If I reserve an apartment with an online booking, is this certain?

Once you have placed an online booking and paid the deposit, you will receive final confirmation from us. If we cannot accept you, your deposit will be refunded within 7 days.

Is there a rental contract to view?

If you would like to view the rental contract, we will send it to you by email; please contact us for this.